Variety of Logic Games of Thing

10 Jul

Last Step to Games of Thing:
Variety of Logic Games of Thing

Observing the stick algebra in 2-d plane, as it is described in my last blog, I see that it can be simplified if we use 3-d space as the room for the objects. Ultimately, I found the card logic algebra which is just one example of logic algebra of things in 3-D space. In the card algebra, a closed card   is representing NOT or TRUE and the suits ot the open cards   are representing variables.

Games of Thing

In the game of thing the cards can be replaced with two kinds of thing: any sheets can replace closed cards and the solids can replace open cards .

For example

  1. board game of logic,
    the sheets are the playing cards  and
    the solids are the board game pieces 
  2. chip game of logic
    the sheets are black chips  and
    the solids are colored chips 
  3. monetary game of logic
    the sheets are replaced by the paper money
    and the solid objects are the coins 
  4. organic game of logic,
    the sheets are replaced by leaves
    and the solids are replaced by flowers  or fruits 

In the logic game of things,

  • a logical expression is represented by an configuration of the things following some rules of formation.
  • a valid logical steps is represented by a rearrangement of the things configuration
  • the testing the truth of an expression can be represented by a sequence of valid rearrangement to get empty configuration.

Last remarks

So, ultimately, the logic algebra of symbols is essentially similar to a logic game of things. That’s it. Logic is becoming concrete rather than abstract. Yes, the logic games of thing is just the concrete games of thing representing the abstract algebra of logic of the mathematician.

The ability to represent the abstract algebra of logic with the concrete game of things is my last discovery in my journey in the Boolean space as subspace of Platonic space of forms.  If this representation is a really valid, I think this discovery is my greatest discovery and my heart will be filled with the deepest enjoyment that I ever had in the seventy years of my life on earth.

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Posted by on July 10, 2013 in Uncategorized



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